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Specify Git URL

The second way to configure deployment details via BYOM Approach is to provide the Git URL and path of the repository of the custom manifest files. For this, you need to follow the below steps after signing into the BuildPiper User Portal.

How to Configure the Deployment Details?#

Here's how you can configure the deployment details by specifying the Git URL and File/Folder Path of the repository of the manifest file. After entering the Deployment Name, Service Name, Image name and defining raw Key-Value Pairs, you need to,

  • Choose "Via Git URL" option.
  • Select the Git URL of the repository of the manifest file.
  • Load the branches.
  • Choose the Git branch.
  • Enter file or folder path of the repository of the manifest file.
  • Click "Add Row" to add more details regarding the manifest files.
  • Finally, click "Save & Continue" to proceed further.

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